PVC Pillar Candles

PVC pipe, cut to varying heights
Foam insulation
LED candle lights
Hot glue gun & glue sticks
Silicone baking sheet
Baking tray
Acrylic or Latex Paint
Drill & Drill Bit For Holes (i.e. Forstner or Wide Spade)
While it's possible to make candles using paper rolls, you may want something larger and sturdier. PVC pipe is a good choice (assuming you have the tools to cut up the pipe. If not, consider using smooth-sided cans).
Step 1: Creating a Shelf
Create a shelf inside the PVC pipes where the LED candle lights will sit.
The first option is using expanding foam (far right image) You need to give the PVC candle a bottom of some kind - anything flat you can attach even temporarily - to prevent expanding foam coming out when you fill it. Let the foam dry, and slice off the overflow so it's flush with the edge of the PVC pipe.
Then you need to cut out a circle in the middle to drop the candle light in. There are various drill attachments you can use to do so, or you're faced with the task of doing it by hand.

The second method is using pipe insulation. You simply cut pieces of insulation to a length an inch or so shorter than your PVC pipe, and slide them inside. It's a rather snug fit.
Push the insulation deep enough inside the pipe so the LED candle light base is below the lip of the pipe (you don't want it visible from the side).
For wider pipes (to make a large pillar candle), you simply roll various pieces of insulation together. There's no real scientific method. Just keep cramming pieces in until there's no gap.
Once that's finished (and you've remembered to leave space for the candle light to sit in the centre), you can use simple caulking to create a top to your candle. Smooth it out with your finger once you've applied it to your insulation.
Step 2: Drips and Paint

To make a grouping of candle sticks, simply hot glue the PVC pipes together.
The rest of the candle making process is the same as my stub tutorial. I'll recap for those of you who haven't read it.
Place the pipes on a silicone baking sheet (this way, you can make pools of wax at the bottom of the candle without gluing it to your table). I put my silicone pad on an upside-down baking tray. Remember to turn the tray, not the individual pipes, as you work around the outside of the candles adding glue.

The key is to build the wax drips in layers. A hot glue gun, rather than the lower temp craft glue gun, works best. But remember, the word "hot" is in the title for a reason. Run the glue around the top edge of the pipe, using enough so it spills down the outside in wide drips. This is your base. You need to let each layer dry before adding the second layer on top of it, so work on a few candles at a time.
Every time you add a layer, you want to build up that top edge. Alternate the dripping placement as you go, building over the last layer and partly on a new spot. You can also add a line of glue to the top edge, wait a moment for it to start the drying process, and then turn the candle upside down, letting gravity stretch the lip of wax up into shapes.

You also want to start making drips on the inside of the candle as well but be mindful of how thick you make the drips or else your LED won't fit.

Try to avoid glue strings - they occur when the tip of your hot glue gun touches the wet glue. Don't panic if it happens. Most of them can be peeled off when dry. You can also melt them with a heat gun.
And paint. You can use white with a base coat wash of watery brown/black paint to highlight crevices in the wax drippings, or to age the white candle base coat by adding the wash on top of your white paint.