Through Ghoul's Garden
Explore The Stories Behind My Creations And The Lands From Which They Came

There Is A Gate In My Garden
There is a gate in my garden that acts as a bridge between our world and another. I can't step through it, but many delightful oddities have tumbled from its archway when the mist fills the back forest. Some by accident, others desperately fleeing dark entities and dangers I can barely begin to understand. All are seeking a new home. That's where I come in. And, perhaps, you.
I continue to chronicle where my creatures lived before they arrived on my table, and now you can read about the origins of various groups and species by clicking on the images below, sorted into four neighbouring lands in a single realm (I have done my best to create a map based on the stories they tell. Learn more about the land once known as Ugohls Ergdan).

Half Moon Hollow

The Midlands

Once Was