I'm a self taught Canadian artist now fumbling about in the countryside outside her hometown of Toronto, Ontario. I began experimenting with sculpting in 2009 after a few years of paper-mache prop building.
I've been flattered to have a number of pieces exhibited and sold in galleries, but these days I mainly attend local indie shows and conventions (I enjoy meeting whomever is adopting my creatures). My work has been featured on television, in newspaper articles and various magazines: from the SPACE Channel, to the Globe and Mail, to Rue Morgue.
I spend most of my time covered in paint and white glue, or trying to wrestle a bit of furry material from the mouth of my Boston Terrier, Monkey Boo. When I’m not discovering the faces of my Little Minions in a ball of clay, I’m usually plotting ridiculously elaborate Halloween parties.
I believe art should be accessible, that creativity is contagious, and happiness is linked to our ability to play.